
Property Summary Format Required Example
Token Token object holds authentication data BackOffice.AuthenticationToken    
TestMode Sets request to TestMode when set to true. "true" or "false"
No true
ListingName Customer's name as it should appear on schedule Alpha (0-255 chars) Yes John and Mary Doe
Frequency How often customer should be billed...
One Time Only = 0
Weekly = 52
Semi Weekly = 26
Bi Monthly = 24
Monthly = 12
Quarterly = 4
Bi Annually = 2
Annually = 1
Numeric (2 digits) Yes 12
StartDateTime Starting date of the schedule (must occur in the future) MM/DD/YYYY Yes 1/1/2010
EndingDateTime Date schedule should end (must occur after StartDateTime) MM/DD/YYYY No 12/31/2010
Amount Amount to charge with each occurence 0.00 Yes 9.65
Currency Standard currency code Alpha (3 digits) Yes USD
Memo Billing memo Alpha Numeric (0-255 chars) No Monthly donation
Card Present Specifies if card is present at time of transaction "true" or "false"
No true
Card BackOffice.Card BackOffice.Card object Yes Card object holds all information specific to a credit card. This object can be inherited, visit here for more information.
ProfileNumber Can be used in lieu of the Card Object Numeric (10 digits) No 1234567890
CustomFields CustomFields object holds 30 optional custom fields BackOffice.CustomFields