API Reporting Methods

The following reporting methods are available via API. All reporting methods use weak type parameters.

Most methods below return strongly typed objects. To receive your output as XML instead, simply add _XML to the method name.

Transaction Reporting Methods

Searching Transactions (Non-paginated results)

The following methods are available for searching and retrieving transactions. Most search methods require a date range. Some methods offer a paginated counterpart. See next section for details.

Unknown/generic transaction type

The following methods will return an array of type TransactionObject. Since multiple transaction types may be included in the response, only generic properties are included.

SearchTransactions ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List all transactions within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchTransactionsByName ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [String] purchaserName, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List all transactions having all or part of a provided name within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchTransactionsByTerminal ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [GUID] terminalID, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List transactions processed through a particular terminal within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchTransactionsFromScheduler ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List transactions processed via the scheduler terminal within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchTransactionsByProfile ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Integer] profileNumber, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List transactions processed using a particular profile within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchTransactionsByAuthNumber ([Integer] authNumber, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List transactions related to a particular authorization within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchTransactionsByBatchNumber ([Integer] batchNumber, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List transactions processed using a particular batch number within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchTransactionsByReferenceField ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Integer] fieldNumber, [String] value, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List transactions processed having a particular value in a particular custom field within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchApprovedTransactions ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List all approved transactions within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchDeclinedTransactions ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List all declined transactions within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchPositiveTransactions ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List all positive (refunds and voids not included) transactions within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

SearchNegativeTransactions ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

List all negative transactions (refunds or voids) within provided date range.

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

Specific transaction type

The following methods will return an array of a specific type of transaction.

SearchCardProcessings ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardProcessing[] (Array)

SearchCardRefunds ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardRefund[] (Array)

SearchCardAuthorizations ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardAuthorization[] (Array)

SearchCardSettlements ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardSettlement[] (Array)

SearchCheckProcessings ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckProcessing[] (Array)

SearchCheckVoids ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckVoid[] (Array)
Searching Transactions (Paginated results)

The following methods are similar to the above mentioned methods for listing/searching transactions; however add the additional feature of pagination. These methods are intended to reduce the load on the Web Service, and prevent timeouts from occurring when there are too many results in the response. Each request requires a starting index be provided. A maximum of 100 results will be returned. Your first call should pass a starting index of 0. If you receive 100 transactions back, a second call should be made with a starting index of 100. All results have been returned when a response contains 0 transactions.

Unknown/generic transaction type

The following method will return an array of type TransactionObject. Since multiple transaction types may be included in the response, only generic properties are included.

SearchInTransactions ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [Integer] startingIndex, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: TransactionObject[] (Array)

Specific transaction type

The following methods will return an array of a specific type of transaction.

SearchInCardProcessings ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [Integer] startingIndex, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardProcessing[] (Array)

SearchInCheckProcessings ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [Integer] startingIndex, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckProcessing
Retrieving a specific Transaction

The following methods are available for looking up a specific transaction, using either the TransactionID. Each method will return one item.

GetCardProcessing ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardProcessing

GetCardRefund ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardRefund

GetCardAuthorization ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardAuthorization

GetCardSettlement ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardSettlement

GetCheckProcessing ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckProcessing

GetCheckVoid ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckVoid

Profile Reporting Methods

Searching Profiles

The following methods will return an array of type ProfileObject. Since both ACH and Card profiles may be included in the response, only generic properties are included.

ListActiveProfiles ([Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ProfileObject[] (Array)

SearchProfilesByName ([String] listingName, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ProfileObject[] (Array)
Retrieving a specific Profile

The following methods are available for looking up a specific profile, using ProfileID. Each method will return one item.

Unknown/generic tender type

LookupProfile ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ProfileObject

Known tender type

LookupCardProfile ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardProfile

LookupCheckProfile ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckProfile

Schedule Reporting Methods

Searching Schedules

The following methods will return an array of type ScheduleObject. Since both ACH and Card schedules may be included in the response, only generic properties are included.

ListAllScheduledItems ([Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ScheduledObject[] (Array)

SearchScheduledItems ([String] ListingName, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ScheduledObject[] (Array)
Retrieving a specific Schedule

The following methods are available for looking up a specific schedule, using ScheduleID. Each method will return one item.

Unknown/generic tender type

LookupSchedule ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ScheduledObject

Known tender type

LookupCardSchedule ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ScheduledCard

LookupCheckSchedule ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ScheduledCheck

Procedural Reporting Methods

API Methods have also been made available to search and retrieve information about transaction-less procedures such as the creation, modification, or deletion of a profile or schedule. The methods provide an audit trail for all actions performed on the p2p network.

Searching Procedures

Unknown procedure type

The following methods will return an array of the generic ProcedureObjects. Since multiple procedure types may be included, only common properties are included.

SearchProfileProcedures ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: ProfilingObject[] (Array)

SearchScheduleProcedures ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: SchedulingObject[] (Array)

Known procedure type

The following methods will return an array of a specific type of procedure.

SearchCardProfileCreations ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardProfileCreation[] (Array)

SearchCheckProfileCreations ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckProfileCreation[] (Array)

SearchCardScheduleSetups ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardScheduleSetup[] (Array)

SearchCardScheduleUpdates ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardScheduleUpdate[] (Array)

SearchCardScheduleTerminations ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CardScheduleTermination[] (Array)

SearchCheckScheduleSetups ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckScheduleSetup[] (Array)

SearchCheckScheduleUpdates ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckScheduleUpdate[] (Array)

SearchCheckScheduleTerminations ([Date] fromDateTime, [Date] toDateTime, [Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: CheckScheduleTermination[] (Array)
Retrieving a specific Procedure

The following methods are available for looking up a specific scheduling procedure. Each method will return one item.

GetCardProfileCreation ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CardProfileSetup

GetCheckProfileCreation ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CheckProfileSetup

GetCardScheduleSetup ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CardScheduleSetup

GetCardScheduleUpdate ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CardScheduleUpdate

GetCardScheduleTermination ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CardScheduleTermination

GetCheckScheduleSetup ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CheckScheduleSetup

GetCheckScheduleUpdate ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CheckScheduleUpdate

GetCheckScheduleTermination ([GUID] transactionID, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CheckScheduleUpdate

GetLastScheduleChange ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: SchedulingObject

Misc. Reporting Methods

The following miscellaneous methods are also available via API.

Get list of Terminals

ListAllTerminals ([AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: Terminal[] (Array)
Get list of Outstanding Authorizations

ListOutstandingAuthorizations ([Boolean] includeTests, [AuthenticationToken] token)

Return Type: CardAuthorization[] (Array)

Looking up Transaction type

This method can be used to find out a transaction's type based on the TransactionID

LookupTransactionType ([GUID] id, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: TransactionType
Looking up Tender type

The following methods can be used to find out if a Profile (or Schedule) is a Card or ACH

LookupProfileTenderType ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: TenderType

LookupScheduleTenderType ([Integer] profileNumber, [AuthenticationToken] token)

  • Return Type: TenderType