
Property Summary Format Required Example
RoutingNumber The valid routing number of the customer's bank Alpha Numeric (9 digits) Yes  
AccountNumber The customer's valid bank account number Alpha Numeric (4-15 digits) Yes The customer's checking, business checking or savings bank account number
NameOnAccount The name associated with the bank account Alpha Numeric (2-99 chars) Yes John Doe and Associates
Address Identification object holds all information specific to check's address BackOffice.Address    
Phone_1 Phone object holds all information specific to a phone number BackOfffice.Phone    
Phone_2 Phone object holds all information specific to a phone number BackOfffice.Phone    
Identification Identification object holds all information specific to customer's ID BackOffice.Identification    
EmailAddress Email address used with Custom Mailers. Alpha Numeric (0-255 chars) No [email protected]