
Property Summary Format Example
CardNumber The valid credit card number of the customer. This field will be blank in reported items. Numeric (15-16 digits)  
SecurityCode The security code associate with the customer's card. This field will be blank in reported items. Numeric (3-4 digits)  
ExpirationMonth The customer's valid bank account number Numeric (2 digits) 12
ExpirationYear The customer's valid bank account number Numeric (4 digits) 2012
AccountEnding The last 4 digits of the card. Numeric (4 digits) 1234
CardBrand The brand of the card stored or processed. Alpha Numeric (2-99 chars) Visa
NameOnAccount The name associated with the card Alpha Numeric (2-99 chars) John Doe and Associates
Address Identification object holds all information specific to check's address BackOffice.Address  
Identification Identification object holds all information specific to customer's ID BackOffice.Identification  
TrackData Scanned track data for card. This field will be blank in reported items. Alpha Numeric (0-255 chars) Click here for more information
EmailAddress Email address used with Custom Mailers. Alpha Numeric (0-255 chars) [email protected]